Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and More!

So I did not get a chance to post pictures from Caleb's birthday party so they are included in the slide show above. He had a good time walking around and looking at his gifts. The cake was not so much on his to do list this time around. He just was not interested. He did eat a piece of cake when I fed it to him from a fork. Next on our whirlwind of events (actually this begins Friday night and we ended with the birthday party on Sunday) was the Fall Festival at school. Both boys had a really great time. Caleb enjoyed the bean bag toss, hay pile, and making his own pumpkin with stickers. Austin enjoyed just being the social butterfly that we all know and love! It seems like he knows everyone. Saturday we headed to Henderson for Dad's class reunion. We had a nice time seeing some people Shane had not seen since graduation while the kids stayed with grandparents. Then Sunday was Caleb's party.

This past weekend was Halloween and we had some birthday parties mixed in there. Our neighbor, Ashley, turned one on Halloween and we had a great time celebrating with her. That night we all went Trick Or Treating together. Yes, the babies were in charge of the cooler as we went around the neighborhood. Austin did a great job despite worrying about the dogs as he went. The cemetery picture is from one of my patient's houses in the next subdivision over. They have an impressive display both inside and out! From the pictures you will see that the little ones tired quickly and we were back home by about 8:15. We finished the weekend Sunday with pictures for the boys' birthdays and Christmas. They both did a fabulous job and the pictures turned out great.

We are going for several more ECU games before the holidays and who knows what else we will get in to. Until next time ...